The 102nd Anniversary


And the reformed Ottoman will do it again, given the chance. We know this. And we don’t forget. My Grandmother never let us forget.

armenian genocide



17 thoughts on “The 102nd Anniversary

  1. Back in the early 1980s I was a police officer in a sizable New England city and one of the local universities was showing a documentary film on the Armenian genocide. I got stuck doing a pay job there with another officer because the Turkish students put up a big stink and were demonstrating outside and threatening to become disruptive. So we have pictures, text and videos of this history and they still refuse to admit that it happened. Now there’s a certifiable mega-maniacal musloid dictator running the show there; I would not care to be, Roman Catholic as I am, living or visiting anywhere over in that part of the world. I’d like to hang onto my head a while longer.

    Things seem to be getting sportier as I continue to age into senile decrepitude. God help us all.

  2. Pingback: Brushbeater: The 102nd Anniversary | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  3. Russ

    The image of those delicate women hanging there in row breaks my heart. Breaks it. I have other feeling too. Strong ones.

    1. Armenian Christian women raped first and then crucified. Babies and toddlers tossed around on bayonets.

      But they become INCENSED when any of this is brought up anywhere.

      Tough shit; we have the pics, texts and videos.

    2. When my grandmother died I found quite a bit about her history and how that side of my family got to America. We had grown up with many stories, but nothing about what they endured other than life once here.

      The Armenian genocide was the culmination of centuries of abuse at the hands of Islam.

      1. PRCD

        Nowadays, your grandmother never would have made it to the US: US immigration policy would’ve favored the Turk. Look at what we’ve done to the Chaldean and Syrian Christians.

        An Armenian baptized my first son and there are many where I’m from. I’ve worked with a few and they fit in well and become Americans, usually.

        Ergodan has reportedly seized all the Christian churches since becoming a dictator while he foments the Islamification of Europe.

  4. Kgun

    My father had a friend who was larger than life and was Armenian. I was maybe 10
    years old and I clearly remeber him cursing about “Bloody Turks”. I didnt understand it then but I do now. The Armenian community is very tight here in New England. I cant fathom the Evil
    that drives men to do things like this. I would blame it on Islam but Germany, USSR and Cambodia to name just a few are in the same league. People who are for a more powerful government or restrictions on guns have to be the dumbest mfkrs. You know they would all willingly be cogs in a genocide machine. Its thier nature.Every genocide has its root in
    authoritarian government. Sometimes as I look at my young children and think how lucky they
    and I are i at the same time think about how fragile our world is and how history repeats itself. Images Ive seen of the Holocaust, Nanking or ISIS flash through my head. They make me sad and angry.
    I wonder why I think of such things and then rationalize it with the belief that there are too many people who have no clue as to what makes the world go around. My kids and family deserve
    and Im determined to be thier protector.

    1. lineman

      That’s exactly right we are their protectors the sad thing is people will stay in areas that they know will be bad when it all falls apart all the while saying I’m going to protect them when the Wolf’s at the door…The best thing you could do to protect your family is to get them right now to areas that are conducive to Liberty and the ability to secure your AO…

  5. dangero

    Most of the Turks I talked to while in Turkey in 2012 deny the genocide. They claim it was a voluntary exodus with some isolated cases of violence so it would not surprise me to see them do something like this again.

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